YouTube - Greyegg McKenna setting up Convergence @ the Armory
Sunday, August 29, 2010
The people that made this event possible...
Yay! Links actually work now on blogger. No more copy and paste. Woot. Videos are still difficult to manage. Anyway... enjoy the clips!
YouTube - Greyegg McKenna setting up Convergence @ the Armory
YouTube - Greyegg McKenna setting up Convergence @ the Armory
Saturday afternoon @ the Armory
Looks like blogger updated their features / UI just to mess with everyone :P So maybe the links and videos will actually work this time around? More pics from the show. Sunday is the last day so come on out and meet with me and all the awesome artists there.
Me on the balcony.
Me posing on the balcony. I so don't like being photographed >.<
Bird's eye view of booth.
Friday, August 27, 2010
Hello from the Armory!
Monday, August 23, 2010
Janis Joplin Funks God - New Painting 8/23/10
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
I am so full of it :P
That's what I think when I stare at my website's name. To be fair, I didn't come up with it. My friend Reba back in high school used to holla back this phrase between classes down the halls. I never knew what I did that was uncanny but it was catchy, short and memorable. Emmanuelle just gets way too many porn jokes and, "wait, you're not a male?" responses (especially growing up around immature peers). Even adults today will do the same if I tell them my legal name. Mani sounds a lot like Mandy so I get away with murder. Yay!
Today I feel like a fake. A phony. If I say whether I'm doing well, meh or badly as an artist, I am projecting out an image or view to the world on my tiny blog of who I could be to whoever reads it and they'll go and assign me into: Superstar? Starving Artist? Drone? or whatever archetypes available. The inner mother/teacher within me would like to be real and down to earth. I hope to reach out to other artists in a rough spot and make them say to themselves, "OK. This is the BS I might go through too, so let me do XYZ," so they don't have to go through what I did. Doing this also means allowing a certain part of my life to be open, and vulnerable to possible attack from others. I wonder how it will affect my business and how I am viewed professionally.
Whatever will be the case, I welcome it now with open arms. Slightly wincing but with open arms nonetheless. I know I am a great artist and anyone who says otherwise can go FUCK themselves (this blog is now rated R). I hope not to censor anything and look forward to anyone willing to open a dialogue about the art industry in general since we have so much to learn everyday anyway.
Suck it Holden Caulfield.
Today I feel like a fake. A phony. If I say whether I'm doing well, meh or badly as an artist, I am projecting out an image or view to the world on my tiny blog of who I could be to whoever reads it and they'll go and assign me into: Superstar? Starving Artist? Drone? or whatever archetypes available. The inner mother/teacher within me would like to be real and down to earth. I hope to reach out to other artists in a rough spot and make them say to themselves, "OK. This is the BS I might go through too, so let me do XYZ," so they don't have to go through what I did. Doing this also means allowing a certain part of my life to be open, and vulnerable to possible attack from others. I wonder how it will affect my business and how I am viewed professionally.
Whatever will be the case, I welcome it now with open arms. Slightly wincing but with open arms nonetheless. I know I am a great artist and anyone who says otherwise can go FUCK themselves (this blog is now rated R). I hope not to censor anything and look forward to anyone willing to open a dialogue about the art industry in general since we have so much to learn everyday anyway.
Suck it Holden Caulfield.
Monday, August 16, 2010
Prints and Original Paintings I've bought...
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Convergence NYC 2010

Convergence NYC Art Benefit to Help Operation Homefront Aug. 27-29 NYC Artists Benefit Supports Military Service Members
New York City, NY-Artist from across the world converge in NYC to present an epic exhibition benefitting families who have lost loved ones due to the Afghan and Iraq wars. CONVERGENCE NYC will be presenting art to the public, Aug. 27th 29th , at the Historic 69th Fighting Regiment’s Armory located at 68 Lexington Ave & 25th St. During these three days the public is invited to enjoy art and live music, while getting the unique opportunity to meet and mingle with the over 70 participating artists. Fifty percent of all sales will be donated to the NY/NJ chapter of Operation Homefront.
Operation Homefront provides emergency, financial and other assistance to the families of our service members and wounded warriors. A national nonprofit, Operation Homefront leads more than 4,500 volunteers across 23 chapters and has met more than 267,000 needs since 2002. With over 70 Artist and Performers, CONVERGENCE NYC is going to be an exhibition of grand artistic proportions.
Venue History: The 1913 Armory Show The downtown 25th St. and Lexington Ave. Armory was the site of the historic 1913 “Armory Show” in which Picasso, Duchamp, Matisse, and many other world renowned visionary artists’ premiered their ground-breaking works, which changed art history forever. CONVERGENCE NYC draws inspiration from the rawness of this historic event and blends it with today’s edgy aesthetic. Urban art lovers, young professionals, contemporary art collectors, and emerging artist are all invited. CONVERGENCE NYC builds on the notion that as we unite as an entity, ideas are created and history will be made.
Artist include: Marta Alexandra Abbott, Scott Micheal Ackerman, Meech Art, The Phantom Street Artist, Of B&AB, Brian Balderston, Sam Bassett, Al Benkin, Jennie Booth, Tracy Von Becker, Annika Connor, Just Seeds Collection, Alex Contompasis, Samson Contompasis, Victor W. Cox, Deacon Czar, Jack Davietshin, Lauren Jean Domsky, DumbWon, Georgia Dormeus, Gregory Dunn II, Jacqueline VanDusen & Gabriel Escobar, Mike Ferrari, Jonathan Fritz, Gabby, GAIA, Austin Gamsjager, Kristin Gambell, Eleanor Gilpatrick, Ben Godward, Chucky Grimm, Lauren Hoffen, John C. Kuchera, Kaliptus, Brian Leo, Chealsea Greene Lewta, Miller Lopez, Christina Mannino, Seth Mathurin, Josh Matson, Liz Medina, Laura Meyers, Greyegg McKenna, Erica Morgan, Luis Monteagudo, PAPERGIRL PROJECT NY, Courtney Novak, Dwell & Oneunit, Nicholas Papadakis, Joseph Puma, Danny Quirk, RAD!CAL, Lance Rautzhan, Chris Reynolds, B. Scribles, Miss Chloe & Mister Sebastien, CAKE & Patrick Seeley, Rob Servo, Jason Shelowitz, Anslem Skogstad, Corrina Snider, The Free Art Society, Mani the Uncanny, Meghan VanAlstine, Mathew VanAlstine, Ron & Valerie Vanone, Hans Wolf… More to be announced at the show.
Performers Include:
SATURDAY: Egemen Sanli, Homespun Vector, Mr. Pants and the Adventure Soundtrack, Match Party, Forbidden Fruit, DJ DWELL & DJ LOS,
Individuals, families, groups, and corporations interested in more information about the event may contact Tamara Gabbard @ (704) 787-3888 or go to the web site . For more info about Operation Homefront go to or contact via email at
Monday, August 2, 2010
Annoying Mate or Misunderstood Monster?
Everyone does stupid things. Everyone. And we learn to breathe and/or kick ourselves for it (or some cases blame the other person). As a married woman, I am grateful that I can communicate with my spouse when things go wrong, when everything feels like its exploding/imploding, when pure chaos reigns and I feel like Savage She-Hulk pulverizing puny Bruce Banner hubby. I like my fights with Jason (fights are healthy I feel in a relationship as long as you're not killing each other or throwing things) because after we do, we fall down laughing from the seriousness of it all and we come to a conclusion/resolution for whatever the problem is.
For more serious matters, I've learned to walk around the block and chill. When I'm ready to come back, I'll try to communicate what I feel and apologize when necessary. I worry if my marriage will be like my parents, who were very loud and violent in their outbursts. As a child it's scary because you're not listening to what's being said, you're hearing the force and emotion in which things are being said or thrown. I worry about time a lot and think I only have this much left before XYZ happens to me. I know we are considered a young married couple by definition ( 3 years) but we've know each other since h.s. (12 years) and I worry about it not lasting/working out because of stupid transient crap we have no power over.
I read blogs, articles, etc. about artists, business people and their relationships/businesses, how they are, got started, the BS they run into with outside forces, dealings and legal matters - but always with an air of "everything's fine" or through rose tinted glasses because they have an image to up hold/maintain and don't want their image to get tarnished for whatever reason. I mean, "Hello! Am I the only weirdo here? I know I'm not the only one but damn they sure make you feel like it!" It would be nice, I think, if people (even businesses can benefit) were more REAL. Clients to students can relate and would probably feel more inclined to trust you with the advise or whatever you're selling. I know I go through a lot of personal and business BS but the good news is: I am still here to tell about it! And how!
I guess what I'm trying to say is that you can learn a lot from chaos. So don't knock it.
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